Online Video Portal

USDF is offering the opportunity for riders, owners, and trainers of under saddle Dressage sport horse prospects that are three or four-year-old horses as of January 1st, to obtain feedback from members of the USDF Sport Horse Prospect Development Forum faculty. Currently, this faculty is made up of: Scott Hassler, Willy Arts, Michael Bragdell, and Craig Stanley, all leaders in the industry in assessing, developing, and training dressage prospects.

Upon the submission of the required application, non-refundable fee of $25 for current USDF members, or $50 for USDF Non Members, and video, each applicant will have their video randomly assigned to a faculty member. This faculty member will review the video submission, and provide the applicant with feedback. In submitting this video, application, and non-refundable fee, it will also be understood and agreed upon that any portion of this video, along with faculty commentary, could be utilized for USDF education programs.

Please contact with any questions you may have regarding this educational opportunity!